Sunday, March 9, 2014

to baby #2: 17 weeks

can't believe i'm 17 weeks pregnant with you already baby #2. we've been talking to your brother a lot about you. most mornings when we have time, i'd ask him to give you a kiss and i would remind him that when you arrive, he will have to give you cuddles, love you and share his toys with you. so far, he's been quite happy to tell us he would share his toys with you but i wonder if he knows what sharing means. 

i'm slowly getting my energy back and am able to do a little bit more with your brother your poor brother has been spending a lot of time on the iPad. hopefully we can go to the park a bit more before the weather gets too cold.  

i didn't believe it when i heard that no two pregnancies are the same. surely it's the same body doing the same thing, i'd feel that same. but no. this time, it definitely feels different. i had such as easy run when i was pregnant with your brother. i probably had 2 days in my entire pregnancy where i had really bad morning sickness . i thought about food most of the time and had such a good appetite. 

as for you, it was the opposite. i had the worst morning sickness for most of the first trimester and i still get them on and off. i have no cravings and my appetite isn't great. i eat when i'm hungry so that i don't feel sick. most days when i'm hungry, i struggle to think of what i wanna eat and by the time i finally decided on what to eat, i'm so hungry that i feel sick. 

we had another appointment with Dr Ford last week. we couldn't really get a good view of you because you were lying in a rather awkward position. Dr Ford said you must have been quite comfortable though lying on your tummy on the placenta. you looked so cute in that position. it was hard for Dr Ford to get a good crown to rump measurement of you to measure your growth but he managed to measure your head and you are measuring the right size for your due date. i was very happy with the appointment. partly because i got to see you again and listen to your heartbeat, but it's also because i found out there is a prescription drug that is safe for me to take for my motion sickness. i can get on a plane! we thought the earliest we could go to Malaysia to visit grandma, yi yi and Jinn would be after you were born and at least 3 months old but now, we can go soon! i was so excited when Dr Ford handed me the prescription. and yes, we've booked our tickets already. hopefully i won't be too big at the time and the flight would not be too unbearable. daddy will have to deal with your brother on the plane because i'd be too drowsy. 

1 comment:

  1. Da yi can't wait to meet u n your brother! Da yi is very excited too! See you soon!
