Monday, August 5, 2013

today you are 20 months and 1 day

oops! i lost track of time and thought it's the fourth today! 

_ you are getting more and more independent. most evenings, you would happily play by yourself while i prepare dinner. sometimes you even sing to yourself as you play
_ you are getting good at putting two words together. this month, you started saying: 'mummy draw' when you want me to draw on the magnet drawing board, 'daddy fix' when you want daddy to fix the train tracks on your train table, 'cank (thank) cue (you) mummy', 'mummy do' when you want me to do something for you, 'mummy cut' when you want me to cut you an apple, 'nen nen (milk milk) time' when you want your last bottle before bedtime. our favourite is still 'nice choo' (shoes) when we put on your shoes for you in the morning
_ you are not particularly good at sharing even though you know how to say 'share'. you don't like it when Joby gets close to you toys and you often say to him: my car, my truck, my choo (shoes)
_ you love 'beach, beach, sandy beach' by the Wiggles'. some days we watch the video clip over and over again twenty times
_ you started sleeping through the night from 8pm to 6am more consistently which i am grateful for because i'm not sure how much longer i can function with 6 hours of broken sleep
_ you love wearing your hat. some days, you wear it all day at daycare
_ you are such a little cheeky monkey and i love you so much! 

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