Saturday, September 14, 2013

making good use of my 'me time'

Saturday is generally a hectic day for us. weekly groceries run in the morning, followed by chores, errands, lunch outing, cooking and spending time with boo too. so by the end of the day, we are quite exhausted. 

Jim's parents arrive last night for their annual 6 months stay. since they left for Malaysia in April, the past five months have been pretty tiring for us. between full time work and looking after boo, we hardly have a chance to relax. maybe once on bank holiday Monday in August. 

after breakfast this morning, instead of rushing to get ourselves and boo ready to hit the shops, we retreated to our room as boo hung out with his grandparents. we didn't do anything productive. we played candy crush for 15 minutes before i realised that i'm actually lost. i'm so used to our regular saturday routine of running around, that i don't know what to do with myself when i actually have some time to myself. even when it is only for 30 minutes. 

i could spend 30 minutes doing nothing productive like playing candy crush or i could start doing the things i'd like to do on weekends. like improving this blog, do something crafty, go shopping, bake something. i need to better utilise the occasional free time the next few months so that they are not wasted. Jim and i are quite efficient when his parents are not around and if we could keep it up, we could achieve so much more. 

so after i came to my realisation, i took a trip by myself to Kmart to pick up a few things. in the afternoon, i worked on the quilt for boo i started many many months ago. 

i'm not sure how often i would get these 'me time' in the next few months but hopefully when i do, i'll make full use of it. 

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