_ you like to sing and dance, especially to Pororo’s singalong.
_ you had hand foot and mouth but you are all better now.
_ you haven’t had congee for dinner for a week because the last time i gave you congee, you vomited all over me.
_ you started joining us at the dinner table eating the same food as us.
_ you love hot chips and you say “more more chips” when you want more.
_ you love the taste of tooth paste. i hope this means training you to brush your teeth when you are older will be easy.
_ you still get upset when we take you into daycare even though you have lots of fun when you are there.
_ you are very good with names and faces. this is how you call the carers at daycare, Jo is D’oh, Hannah is Nanna, Helen and Nenen and Rosa is Rora. you are still learning how to call Sam.
_ you are still not sleeping through the night but you are not up three times every night asking for me like you used to. you call out for me because you need a drink of water.
_ you developed a reading habit. you often bring us one of your books, asking us to “read”.
_ you can say “morning” very well and you are very generous with your kisses.
_ mummy loves you boo xo
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= Shopping at Target like a boss with his hands behind his back = |
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= Cheeky boo! = |
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= Time for some yogurberry = |
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= Fun with bubbles at a birthday party! = |
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