before we had boo, Joby was pretty much the centre of our attention. we would take him out for walks on the weekend, we had more time to play with him and groom him.
i remember when we were expecting boo, some of the books talked about the things you need to do to get your pet ready before you bring the new baby home. we were not worried at all because Joby is the most good natured dog. you can do anything to him and he would not get mad at you.
when we brought boo home, Joby was not sure about this little person. he wasn't really interested in boo, except for checking on him when he cries.
as boo got bigger and learnt to crawl, he started to interact with Joby more. at first Joby was scared of him because he doesn't know how to pat Joby gently. Joby always tries to stay away. partly because he's not a big fan of boo as boo stole his attention.
nowadays, Joby tries his best to stay out of boo's way. mainly because boo doesn't know how to play with him. boo is not very good with sharing his toys with Joby. he often goes 'no no no' to Joby as Joby gets close to his toys. or sometimes when he wants to play Joby, he would ride on him which Joby hates.
going out for walks is one of Joby's favourite activities but poor thing can't really enjoy his walks nowadays because boo likes to hold onto the lead and Joby can't walk at the pace he likes.

i wonder when these two would be friends. maybe when boo learns to be gentler to Joby and stop riding him like a horse?
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