_ she loves food especially our food. she's having three meals a day and she loves spaghetti bolognaise (puréed of course).
_ she has two teeth on her lower gum with another coming and two front teeth coming too. breast feeding is going to be interesting once her two front teeth are fully erupted.
_ she can now move forward in a wriggly manner. it's not quite a proper crawl but she's getting there. now that she's more mobile, she's showing signs that she's ready to 'explore' her surroundings.
_ even though she can crawl yet, she loves to be held in a standing position.
_ she's still not sleeping through the night but her night waking is getting better. she's waking once a night for a feed.
_ her favourite person is still me. i'm the only person she wants when she's tired. if i'm not available, she would settle for Jim.
_ she loves her brother, her face always lit up when she sees him. she starts chuckling when her brother says "hello my mister mister" to her.
_ she's very cheeky these days, she loves annoying her brother when he's on the iPad. maybe she knows her brother would give in to her eventually.
_ she can now move wave bye bye, maybe not a proper wave but she moves her right hand up and down when we say bye bye to her.
_ unlike her brother, she favours her right hand over her left. she'll always pick up her toys with her right hand or when i give her food, she would use her right hand.
_ she doesn't like sitting in the stroller for too long, which make shopping with her a bit tricky. for now, i could put her in the carrier but not for much longer as she gets heavier.
at 8 months, she finally dropped one of her naps going from 3 naps to 2 naps. she's still transitioning but i vaguely remember when Gabriel went on only doing 2 naps, our days became more manageable and predictable. and most importantly, we don't have to have early lunch outing on the weekends to rush home for a midday nap!
it feels like we are finally settling into a better and more predictable routine. our days are more predictable and easier to plan now. she wakes around the same time, takes her nap around the same time and feeds around the same time. well..it has only taken 8 months! i hope things will continue to get easier as she grows older. i look forward to the day when she can play with her big brother.
the next few months are going to be interesting as she becomes more mobile. gone were the days where i'll find her where i left her.
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