daycare drop offs have not been easy since daycare started this year. partly because of the end of year break we had and also most of his friends have moved up to the next room. i don't blame him because 80% of the kids in his room are new to the room and they are all younger than him.
when we got to daycare this morning, his mood changed and when i said goodbye to him, he told me he wants to go home, he doesn't wanna go to school and he broke into tears. i spent ten minutes trying to persuade him that he needs to stay in school but he won't stop crying. so i succumb to my last resort. i promised him a new toy of his choice if he stops crying. within seconds, he stopped crying and was waving goodbye to me.
so when i picked him up from school at 4:30, the first thing he said to me was "mummy, i good boy, we go buy new toy?" of course we went straight to Target and he chose this Lightning McQueen car he's been eyeing since before Christmas. i'm not sure if this is good or bad parenting but bribery always seem to do the trick.
I like your post! keep it UP