Charlotte has been waking up more than usual the past few nights, crying for help as she get herself stuck in awkward positions trying to roll onto her tummy in her swaddle bag. i figured she's probably ready to move out of her swaddle bag and into a sleeping bag but i was also worried giving her the full freedom to roll around in her cot would disrupt her sleep even more. last night i decided to try my luck anyway. secretly hoping she would love being in a sleeping bag and maybe sleep through the night again. boy was i wrong. it was all good at the beginning. she slept on her side for an hour and then on her tummy for another. i thought she would sleep more soundly on her tummy but that didn't happen. just as i was about to go to bed myself, she started stirring and trying to roll onto her back. i know she needs to learn how to get herself out of the position so i left her for ten minutes before i intervene. and it went down hill from there and i lost count on the amount of time i had to resettle her. needless to say i didn't get much sleep last night.
and one would think she would be catching up on her sleep during the day but that didn't happen either. some days, she's got the stamina of a three year old.
tonight i contemplated putting her back in her swaddle bag again but i've put her in her sleeping bag. keeping my fingers crossed for better luck.