Sunday, September 21, 2014

to my little miss // 6 weeks

6 weeks is when i have to stop spoiling you with cuddles and start working towards shaping a routine. it also means you are no longer a newborn.

at 6 weeks,
_ you love it when we talk to you and would react with a smile
_ sometimes when we talk to you, you would respond with "ah goo"
_ your sleep routine is still very unpredictable. some days you will do proper naps but some days you will do 20 minutes cat naps. some nights you will sleep more than 3 hours at a time but some nights you would only sleep 2 hours or less.  you slept 5 hours on two nights (not in a row) last week and 7.5 hours last night.
_ you are starting to enjoy the bath. you no longer scream your head off during bath time and you are a little bit more relaxed
_ you still need help falling asleep especially during the day but you are getting better. it's time we start teaching you how to fall asleep by yourself before it's too late
_ just like your brother,  you're developing the milk rash on your face. poor little boo boo with your pimply face. i'm not too concerned because it cleared up for your brother in a matter of weeks. soon your skin will be nice and smooth again

i'm looking forward to the next few weeks where you start to be more interactive and have more play time and most importantly, a routine. 

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