in less than 2 months, you'll be in my arms baby #2. so far, your daddy and i have been taking it easy in terms of prepping for your arrival. but the past two weeks, i came to the realisation that it is probably time i start.
anyway, below are what i got up to so far:
_ i'm slowly moving your brother's stuff from the nursery to his big boy room vacating the nursery for you even though you won't be sleeping in it till you are about 4 months. you'll be sleeping in a bassinet in our room next to me.
_ newborn nappies were on sale last week so i picked up some. we should have enough nappies for the first few weeks and if you are anything like your brother, you would move on to the next size in a matter of weeks.
_ i knitted two hats for you. both in neutral colours. one of them might be a bit big but we'll see. your brother was very excited when i showed him. he was even more excited when i made one for him too.
_ you'll be wearing mainly hand me downs onesies from your brother but i have bought some new ones for you. most importantly, your going home outfit is sorted. i had to get a gender neutral owl print onesie and i hope you'd like it.
_ i bought two wraps today. one of them in grey and the other a navy theme red and blue. two wraps is probably not enough but i've made two out of some printed flannelette i bought from spotlight.
_ i started thinking about what i wanna pack in my hospital bag. i'm trying to think back to the time when i had your brother. trying to remember the things that are useful and things i don't need to worry about.
i've been feeling a little tired the past week. it's my own fault though. i ran out of elivit at the end of last week and i kept forgetting to get them. i thought not taking the supplements for a few days wouldn't matter but man was i wrong. i was feeling exhausted most of the day and i also had frequent dizzy spell.
i can feel you movements more and more. you are such a strong little kicker and at times, you don't stop moving. sometimes when i rest my hands on the bump, not only can i feel your kick, i can also see my hand moves as you kicked it. every time a pointy bit sticks out, i like to feel it and try to imagine if it was your elbow or your knee.
as you continue to grow, going to sleep and bending over is getting more and more uncomfortable. we had a few bad nights when it took me about half an hour to settle into a comfortable position only to be woken up by the urge to go to the bathroom and when i come back to bed, i had to try to settle back into a comfortable while i battle with your daddy's snoring. i can't imagine this bump getting any bigger but i know it will and it is a good thing i guess. it means you are growing well.
everyone is excited to meet you especially me. good thing i have an appointment with Dr Ford tomorrow :)
Very nice knitted hats!! Lucky boo #2