i was meant to write this post last week when you turn 26 months last week but other things got in the way. i'm a week late but it's better late than never i guess.
_ you are becoming such a little boy as you become more and more independent and better at putting a sentence together.
_ you are starting to ask a lot of questions like "what's that mummy", "what's that noise", "where did iPad go".
_ you are such a little chatter box. from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to bed, you can go on and on and on.
_ you can be both polite and rude at the same time. you say "thank you mummy" whenever i do something for you and you will say "please" with all your requests too. but you can also be so rude asking your grand parents to "go away". i hope you will grow out of this phase soon.
_ i can finally leave you at daycare without you crying and screaming your head off. nowadays, you will give me a cuddle, a kiss and a proper goodbye.
_ you love catching the train and going through the tunnel. almost everyday you will grab daddy's train ticket and ask gung gung to take you our to "catch twain" "see tunnel".
_ you are slowly moving on from Peppa Pig and you currently like this Korean show call Robocar Poli you stumbled upon on YouTube.
_ i like that you can now listen and follow simple command. so much so that we can make cookies together.
_ i am going to miss you my little boo when your little brother/sister arrives in August. i wonder if you'll be a good brother?

My little boo knows how to bake cookies! Let da yi try one day! Miss you lots!
ReplyDeleteWah clever boy can bake cookies together with mummy!!