daycare had their xmas party last friday and all parents were invited. i was very excited to attend because this is kind of our first "school" related event and i was also looking forward to seeing boo interacts with his daycare buddies.
the party started off with the kids "singing" 'jingle bells' and 'rockabye a bear'. all the kids were meant to be sitting at the front to "perform" for the parents but they all ended up sitting on our laps. after the songs, everyone went to the playground where there were face painters and balloon makers. boo got his face painted with a red back spider and he also had a purple sword. he was having a ball running around the playground waving his sword and pretending to be a pirate. while he runs around the playground, i got to catch up with the other mothers and the educators.
before the party ended, santa came and gave all the children presents. i thought this boo would freak out when he sees santa but he was fine. he happily accepted his present from santa and he even thanked him.
the party felt like a conclusion of his time as a baby in the babies' room as he moves to the next room in the new year. how time flies. when he first attended daycare, he could barely speak and was still on all four picking up dirt and germs but 12 months later, he's running, talking and singing. i wonder if he'll do a little performance for us in next year's xmas party?

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