Sunday, October 27, 2013

super daddy

i've had to work overtime the past two Saturdays. before i left for work yesterday morning, i told Jim when i get home from work, we'll need to go to the shops to run a few errands. i wish him luck and i left. we've had a rough night the night before, boo vomited twice so we had to change his cot sheets, sleeping bag and pjs twice.

i finished work slightly later than planned and was exhausted so all i want to do when i get home is to lay down. but i know when i get home, we'll probably have to head out as soon as boo is up from his afternoon nap. i was really worried as i was driving home. i was worried that Jim would be too tired after minding boo the entire morning and most of the afternoon and he would be cranky at me. 

as i got home, jim told me he took boo to the shops, sort out his second birthday party booking, bought the birthday presents i asked him to and he also bought a halloween costume for boo to wear to daycare on Thursday for halloween.

i was very impressed. Jim rarely takes boo to the shops on his own and when he does, he generally takes him to the toys section, not to run errands for me. i don't know why but it's totally normal when a woman goes to the shops to run a few errands with a toddler. but when a man does it, it's like WOAH...impressive. so yes, yesterday, i thought Jim was a super daddy. 

//photos credit: super daddy//

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